+34 722 25 83 70 info@selvans.ONG

We have pledged ourselves to value the forests since they are the most precious treasure in the possession of the country. We are appealing to both the public authorities and the people to join us in our effort

In these days of confinement, we, Sélvans’ team, have continued to work on our mission from home, striking a balance of the accomplishments achieved in 2007 up to the present day. Back then when we first worked with the Diputación de Gerona we were part of a program, today we support them as an association put in place in 2017.

We would like to show you the outstanding progresses we have made and the amazing opportunity we have as a society in terms of preserving our country’s beauty and variety, a heritage unique and irreplaceable. However, it is at stake and might be lost forever.

Due to the emergencies in place because of the current health situation we are further convinced that the implementation of a woodland network is imperative to a highly ecological value.

A woodland network for exceptional forests, old and destined to their natural evolution in which the abundance of species of animals and plants can develop to their full extent. This, in turn, creates key services crucial to our health and well-being.

Next we would like to show you how a network of this kind would be organized; it would immediately back up the following objectives developed for sustainability purposes: ODS 15 (environment), OD S 6 (clean water and recovery), OD S 3 (health and well-being) and ODS 13 (climate issues).

As you may know, in 2005 Jaume Hidalgo i Colomé, our first president and general coordinator of the Diputación de Gerona, assigned Selváns to lead the woodland project. Ever since Sélvans has had the primary task of configuring a woodland network of wild trees in Catalonia. He created a matrix of forests with a major ecological complexity including trees a hundred years old. These trees cover less than 5 % of the forest surface of the country’s woods on the soil of which a good quality was discovered. It is important to emphasize that the existence of the just introduced network is compatible with further developments that could unfold on forest soil such as wood and biological ground production, the enhancement of silviculture, an increase in livestock, the retrieval of available spaces, fire prevention or the maintenance of leisure spots.

In terms of DIAGNOSTICS we have performed a myriad of analysis of the land and its cataloging. In doing so, we have built up a network with more than 250 forest owners, founding corporations and teaming up with dozens of local activists such as authorities, city halls, institutions, forest investigation centers, forest property associations, health and well-being expert teams, health resorts, tourist operators and so many more.

The result: 2.2 % of wood surface area was identified in the country, a network with potential that includes both trees that are implemented in catalogs and inventories of exquisite or intriguing forests and resources reserved for natural places and protected spaces within the tools of forest regulation systems. Landscapes of major value identified in orthophoto maps and field work are also integrated as such.

At present this matrix consists of around 1.392 singular or old forests in their candidature for a natural evolution. They could grow by natural law to sustain their diversity. Catalonia has a total of 30.932 hectares within a total of 1.350.000 hectares of wood surface area.

The terms of FOREST STEWARDSHIP, we’ve managed to preserve 120 one-hundred-year old trees covering 3.016 hectares (that is 9.8 % of the major ecological value). We have designed a comprehensive set of 10 various tools to cultivate forest sustainability and supervision. The realization of forest itineraries for therapeutic use forms a particularly special part of it. We have also come up with a basis upon which to extend the private natural resources of the forest sector. Soon we will be finishing the four new resources for forest sustainability and supervision. Of course, we will not miss out on keeping you posted accordingly!

Through environmental service payments for the respective properties we want to reinforce protective means for four very genuine woodland treasures: one forest of the Atlantic in la Serra de Milany (Ripollés-Osona), one forest of the Mediterranean in la Serra de l’Albera (Alt Empordá) along with two old Mediterranean like places in la Serra de Puigsacalm and in la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa (la Garrotxa).

Companies and individuals are equally welcome to get in touch with us via our e-mail info@selvans.ong. With us you can rise to the responsibility of maintaining an extraordinary heritage for the generations yet to come. This happens with your support for this pending project that is very contemporary, concrete, and communicative.

We are going to keep you posted!

P.S. And a shout-out goes to Kristina for her English translation