+34 722 25 83 70 info@selvans.ONG

Associació Sèlvans

People taking care of forests,

forests taking care of people

“Sèlvans” works to preserve the oldest forests of our contrades as well as primal rainforests across the Earth. 

After 10 years as a program, “Sèlvans” becomes an association in 2017.

Help us preserve the “old quarter” of our forests, a unique and irreplaceable natural heritage.

Please contact us under info@selvans.ONG (gladly in English) and we will present you a proposal.

Help us locate and preserve our last standing mature and old-growth forests. For nature, and for present and future generations.

SÈLVANS “People taking care of forests, forests taking care of people”.

If you want to know first-hand about SÈLVANS, and while we update our webpage, please don’t hesitate to watch the 12 – minute presentation we recently gave in the framework of an INTERREG program, to which we were invited as a “best practice” regarding initiatives of payment for ecosystem services

You’ll find the video at this link: https://youtu.be/hv02wr6Y6Sc?t=1320

or clicking on the video to the right.

Altra Running celebrates #EarthDay helping #SaveAForest and SÈLVANS with the preservation of old-growth-forests

 Altra Running will donate 100% of all Spanish online sales during this Thursday 22nd of April (EARTH DAY) to the consecution of a forest natural reserve in Catalonia, through our #SaveAForest initiative.

If you wanted to buy some running shoes, this Thursday is THE day!

More information at https://albertbosch.info/saveaforest/en/home-3/

200 km and 6 stages to help take care of nature, and our beloved heritage… at your own pace!

SOS Costa Brava and Sèlvans, following the call of Alan Fortuny, sportsman, ecologist and adventurer, are organizing Protecting Homethe non-profit run, which has the aim of raising funds to help both our organizations deploy our missions: help both our most mature forests, and the Costa Brava. Because enjoying and loving nature also implies taking care of her. 

Taking into account actual circumstances, we’ve configured Protecting Home as an “OPEN” run, which means that you have 3 months to do the run, whenever you want, and at your own pace. By doing this we avoid crowding people together, and lower the impact on the natural heritage we aim to protect in the first place.

You can participate from September 18th 2020 until June 2021, pending mobility restrictions due to the pandemic.

You’ll find all the information and link to the registration desk at https://www.protectinghome.cat/

We would be very grateful if you could help us spread the word. Take care

Active collaborations

With the support of:

Sèlvans works in collaboration with:

We wish to thank the support of the following enterprises and entities:

We will be progressively translating the content to English, we’re sorry for the inconvenience.

El V Fòrum Sèlvans: Una jornada d’acció i reflexió per la conservació dels boscos

El passat 15 de novembre, Sant Feliu de Pallerols es va convertir en l’epicentre de la sostenibilitat forestal amb la celebració del V Fòrum Sèlvans, un esdeveniment que va reunir prop de 90 participants, incloent representants institucionals, empreses, propietaris forestals i experts científics. La jornada, organitzada per l’Associació Sèlvans amb la col·laboració de l’Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Pallerols, va posar l’accent en els reptes climàtics actuals i les oportunitats per fomentar la conservació dels boscos d’alt valor ecològic. Una...

Highlight projects:

Healing Forests Network

We operate a network of 13 healing forests

Compensanatura initiative

Help preserve m2 of high natural value forests of an equal area that you occupy.

#EscolaSelvans campaign

Working to implicate Schools and High Schools with the preservation of the oldest forests.

Corporate environmental volunteering

For companies: action on the field, awareness raising, and experiencing of biodiversity.

We encourage you to become a Sèlvans agent!

I'd like to collaborate on an individual sphere

We encourage you to become an “Sèlvans Agent”, spread the word, and help us grow the community of agents.

We'd like to collaborate as an enterprise

We offer you progress your corporate responsibility, environmental volunteering, and cause marketing.

I am a forest owner

We’re in touch with more than 100 forest owners who are sensible to old-growth-forests.

I'd like to become a Selvans associated member

We want to build synergies with public administrations, research centers, and local partners.

Lines of work


We preserve the “old quarter” of the forests


We promote #HealingForests and #ForestBathing


Healing forest guidance / #EscolaSèlvans campaign / Corporate Volunteering


We explore the benefits of forests on people’s health and wellbeing.